Feb 3, 2023: City Council to vote on making the Midtown Yonge Complete Street permanent
Toronto City Council will be voting next week to make the Midtown Yonge Complete Street Pilot Project permanent.
IEC Supports Making Midtown Yonge Pilot Permanent: Help us encourage Council!
Let’s continue making temporary ActiveTO projects permanent once and for all.
2023 City Budget: What We're Calling For
Toronto’s budget must prioritize active transportation and public transit.
Support TTC Riders and Call for Investment in Public Transit
Investing in the TTC is key to a well-connected active transportation network in Toronto
Ring & Post: New Year Edition
Gearing up for a year full of bike rides, advocacy, and education.
ACTION: Email City Council to support motion MM2.14 today!
Support a motion put forward by Councillor Saxe which seeks to ensure the safety of cyclists who rely on the Bloor St. bike lanes during construction projects.
Ring & Post November 2022
Making a Mode Change & Advocating for Safe Streets: Introducing Ruth Watkins
A story from our community about the role of infrastructure in getting people on bikes.
Toronto Municipal Election Results
Following the Election on October 24th, we are pleased to announce that the majority of Toronto’s newly elected City Council support our 10 priority actions.
A message from our outgoing Executive Director and Board President
Over the past decade, Keagan Gartz has played a crucial role in transforming and building Cycle Toronto to be the organization it is today.
Safe and Active Streets for All: Campaign Coalition Press Conference
Today, we stood alongside, and aligned with our coalition partners as we held a press conference outside of City Hall to release the results of our survey.