Registered Charity #: 816664957 RR 0001

[A collage of signage used at constructions sites]
Toronto has made historic progress on the expansion of its cycling network over recent years. We know that a safe, connected network is essential to enable more people to choose to ride a bike.
But sometimes it feels like every time you turn a corner, you encounter another row of pylons and big orange signs. Construction sites are often inconvenient and frustrating for people driving; they are scary and dangerous for people walking, rolling, and biking.
This isn’t about inconvenience. This is about safety.
You’ve seen the signs:
(Construction zone with blocked sidewalk and bikeway.)
Construction is inevitable in a growing city like Toronto. Without it, new housing could not be built, roads could not be repaired, and transit could not be expanded. But none of this should come at the expense of safety and mobility.
We are calling on the city to ensure there is a safe path of travel for all vulnerable road users across the city. Immediate action should include:
- providing advance notice of unexpected conditions
- prioritizing and maintaining cycling facilities and sidewalks
- utilizing consistent, up-to-date signage that emphasizes the safety of all road users
- planning and communicating safe detours when necessary
- eliminating any resulting road hazards
- setting tougher penalties for failure to comply
- Creating a “mobility squad”, whose sole purpose is to ensure obstacle-free travel on the city’s streets, could be another step in the right direction. Precedents for mobility squads have already been set in Montreal and other jurisdictions in the GTA. Better standards for reporting unsafe conditions (whether 311 or otherwise) with clear timelines for action should also be implemented.
Help us call on the city for immediate short term and long term solutions that will make our streets and sidewalks safe throughout construction zones, and help keep our city moving.
Enter your name to add your voice to our call for change today.

Danforth Ave. and Kingston Rd. in Scarborough are hostile, uninviting, and dangerous to all road users, including people walking, people using a mobility device, people riding bikes, people taking transit, and people driving.
Cycle Toronto is supporting DanforthKingston4All, a group of local residents who want Danforth Ave. and Kingston Rd. through Scarborough to be safer, more inviting, and more accessible for all regardless of their method of travel. We want these streets to be local destinations while still facilitating efficient travel through the area.
DanforthKingston4All are working with the community and city staff to ensure the extension of the Danforth complete street east from Victoria Park Ave. meets the needs of local residents and becomes a permanent part of the city
We want to ensure that these streets are reconfigured in a way that makes them safer and more vibrant destinations for everyone, regardless of their method of travel, while still facilitating efficient travel through the area for all.