Cycle Toronto is a member-supported charity that's been leading the change since 2008 for a healthier, more vibrant cycling city for all. Over the years Cycle Toronto members have helped transform our city's cycling culture, and have been instrumental in building support for key bike lane projects like the Bloor St. pilot and and the ActiveTO cycling network acceleration. Join (or renew) today:

Monthly Membership


Annual Membership


Student/Senior Membership


Cycle Toronto memberships are now eligible for charitable tax receipts. Membership dues must add up to at least $20 in a given year to qualify for a tax receipt. Tax receipts for contributions in a given year are issued in February of the following year.

Cycle Toronto members in good standing are eligible to vote at our Annual General Meeting. Memberships are non-transferable and non-refundable. Annual memberships auto-renew every year. Monthly memberships commit to a minimum of 12 payments (one year).

If cost is a barrier or if you have any questions, please contact: [email protected]

If you wish to make a general donation, please visit:

Registered Charity #: 816664957 RR 0001

Businesses and Corporations
Are you the owner of, or an employee at, a bike-friendly business? Contact [email protected] to learn more about business partnerships, sponsorship opportunities, or corporate donations.

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