Cycling infrastructure in Toronto: where are we?
There is a lot happening in Toronto right now and we've been trying to keep track of it all. We're here to break down which roads have what proposed and provide some information on the status of different projects in the city.
Major planned cycling infrastructure
Danforth Ave
- A bike lane pilot project will be designed for Danforth between Broadview and Dawes as part of a 'Complete Streets' study
- Timeline:
- A report on the detailed design is due back by summer 2020
- Implementation would follow in late summer/fall 2020 or spring/summer 2021
- We are pushing for 2020 so the pilot can inform the overall Complete Streets study of Danforth Ave which will conclude in summer 2021
- Public consultation will begin late 2019 or early 2020
- If you live near the Danforth, we need your help to get this built by 2020 - please get in touch with Kevin!
Bloor St
- Consult on and implement a bike lane extension from Shaw St to High Park Ave (possibly to Runnymede)
- Timeline: the extension will be complete as early as mid-2020 using interim materials (flexible bollards, paint, planters, precast concrete curbs) so design is adaptable
- Stakeholder consultation in fall 2019 and public consultation will begin in early 2020
- If you want to help get Bloor extended to High Park by next summer please get in touch with Kevin!
What about Bloor St between Avenue Rd and Sherbourne Rd?
- The City is conducting an Environmental Assessment (EA). It has been delayed many times
- Construction will be no earlier than 2022, but may be delayed further. We are working to expedite the timeline.
Eglinton Ave
- ‘Eglinton Connects’ is a set of streetscape improvements including greenery, improved sidewalk and pedestrian realm, and bike lanes, planned to be built as part of the 19km Crosstown LRT.
- Timeline:
- The LRT is anticipated to be completed by 2021
- Streetscape improvements, including bike lanes, would be constructed after the completion of the LRT.
- Cycle Toronto is currently trying to work with stakeholders to ensure that bike lanes are built before the LRT construction ends.
- Streetscape improvements are currently funded for 60% of the project. If you are interested in getting involved in the 'Eglinton Connects' streetscape improvements, let us know!
Currently under consultation...
Oakwood neighbourhood connections: bike lanes are proposed for the Oakwood neighbourhood, near Oakwood Ave between St Clair and Eglinton. The city proposed bike lanes on Northcliffe, Glenholme, Rosemount, and Greenlaw. A contra-flow lane is planned for Winona in 2021. The City had two public houses and will return with a modified plan based on feedback.
Peel-Gladstone Reconstruction: contra-flow bike lane were originally planned on Peel and Gladstone. The redeveloped drawings have two options for two-way traffic:one with and one without a bike lane. Gladstone would provide a useful link between the Argyle bikeway and the proposed Douro-Wellington bike lanes via Sudbury. Construction and installation is anticipated for 2020.
Shaw Street Improvements are proposed on two sections of Shaw St: from Dupont to Bloor, changes are proposed to reduce vehicle volumes. Options include one way directional changes for cars (but cyclists permitted to go north and south both ways without interruption) or "managed access", where people riding bikes can continue in both directions, but people driving must turn. Also proposed is a directional change for drivers between Bloor and Harbord on Shaw.
Douro-Wellington bike lanes are proposed to connect new cycling infrastructure in the area including the King-Liberty Pedestrian/Cycle Bridge on Douro St., the Garrison Crossing Pedestrian/Cycle Bridge, and eventually with the West Toronto Railpath Extension from Sudbury Street. They will also connect to Gladstone Ave and provide a link to the Argyle bikeway. Installation is planned for summer 2020.
To be built by end of 2019...
Bike lanes
- Argyle Ave: connecting the missing link between Ossington Ave and Shaw St with a contra-flow lane
- Blue Jays Way: extending the Peter St bike lane down Blue Jays Way from King St to Navy Wharf Court Under construction as of early December 2019
- Lawrence Ave E: between Port Union Rd and Rouge Hills Dr
Cycle tracks
- Conlins Rd: cycle tracks planned between Canmore Blvd and Sheppard Ave; bike lanes planned between Ellesmere Rd and Canmore Blvd
- Willowdale Ave: under construction from Bishop Ave to Empress Ave Road reconstruction is now in progress and expected to be completed by mid-fall 2019
- Scarlett Rd: planned between Humber River Trail to Bernice Ave, with a connection to Runnymede via Eileen, Corbett, and Pritchard
Other City transportation initiatives
Yonge St (uptown) - 'Reimagine Yonge': We are awaiting an updated report back to Council. We are continuing to stay involved in the process. Streetscape improvements, including wider sidewalks, bike lanes, and green space on Yonge are under consideration as a part of the proposed 'Transform Yonge' proposal option.
Yonge St (downtown) - 'Yonge Tomorrow': The City is currently consulting with the public and stakeholders for Phase 1 (College - Queen). 6 alternatives have been presented and creation of a shortlist of preferred options is ongoing. A future public event is planned for late Fall 2019 and a decision is targeted for Summer 2020.
Finch Ave W LRT: Work is underway to build the Finch West LRT. The anticipated date of completion is 2023. This process will include adding protected bike lanes to Finch Ave alongside the LRT route. The LRT is 11 km long.
Complete streets process by default: When reconstructing a street, staff must consider building a Complete Street (one which works for all road users regardless of age, ability, or mode) which often includes bike lanes. We'll work closely with City Staff to ensure this process is followed.
What next? How can you help?
If you're interested in learning more or working on any of these projects, here's how!
- Sign and share our pledges:
- Join our campaign volunteer list to work on Bloor St, Danforth Ave, or Eglinton Ave. Interested? Get in touch!
- Join your local ward advocacy group.
- Donate so we can continue to advocate for safe cycling throughout the city
- Join Cycle Toronto. Our voice at City Hall is even stronger with more members. We need funding to run our major campaigns and continue advocating for you. Plus, get access to great discounts (20+ stores), and other benefits!